Home Remedies For Piles Treatment - Quick Fast Relief

External piles can be a real pain in the back side if you suffer from this common ailment. But there are some things that you can to avoid inflaming your external piles. Routine daily stuff that does not mean any drastic life changing habits. External piles are painful when they are inflamed, so if you can stop them getting inflamed, you will live a lot better.

I have been working on not having ANY piles in our house - AT ALL. I have gone through needing a filing cabinet to store all of my papers in, to keeping a pile on the kitchen counter, to keeping a small stack on a corner, to NOTHING. And I have to say, it takes work to get to that point, but it is completely worth it!

Piles surgery can definitely cure your hemorrhoids problem if you have the nerve to go through with it. However there is still a high risk of infection after the operation. With the advancement in technology, laser surgery is now also an option. This procedure is less invasive and quicker to recover from if you can stomach it!

Ice packs - Ice packs are great for reducing swelling, and pain from piles. It only takes about 10 to 15 minutes to get fast relief with an ice pack. An ice pack will numb the area and will reduce hemorrhoids swelling.

Witch hazel comes from a shrub, and is a natural astringent. This means that it will make the pores of the skin cleansed, and tightened. It's very gentle, and is naturally soothing. It works also to soften the skin. It's very safe to use witch hazel in the anal area for cleansing and soothing.

At this point you must ask yourself one question. Is the blood dark or brightly coloured? If the blood is bright red then the probabilities are that you may be looking at having to get rid of piles. If the blood is dark then you'll need to get any abnormalities ruled out by a physician.

Another natural cure for piles is to apply ice on the skin which helps in contracting read more blood vessels. When the blood vessels narrow they stop the swelling thereby relieving the pain. Eating radish with black salt is very effective method. Consuming bananas are also considered good. It is also good to include fresh fruits and vegetables as a part of our diet. Juice extracted from ginger when mixed with lime juice, honey form a good natural medicine to cure piles. You can cure piles with certain medications as prescribed by the doctor. These home made products to cure piles are effective and safe to use.

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